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How do you play cards...

You should be able to drag the cards from your hand onto one of the squares with dotted lines (which are the locations you are able to build on). Make sure you have enough ⚡energy to play the cards (cost of energy is in the top right corner of every card, and the total energy you have is along the bottom).

Just so you know, this game was designed for screens that are 1920 x 1080 or larger, so smaller screens may hide parts of the UI, and it's completely unplayable on mobile devices. Apologies! 

On pc... and yeah i dont think i got it set that high...

tryed zooming out to very silly results but even at defualt zoom huge open space no play spots

I can see this game being easily expanded to something really cool!

Since currently the game is not very difficult, I found it better to play by posing self-made restrictions (e.g: I can only choose 1 card per turn)

Its really satisfying upgrading the ship and see it expanding :)

Good job guys! It was cool playing it!

Thanks so much for the feedback! We did not have time to balance the game, but have plans to do so in the future. Although creating your own rules sounds like a fun game mode, where there's no real "restrictions" from the game and you can set them yourself... Interesting. Thanks for your time! 

There’s no sound volume sliders, but the visual presentation is still rather nice and simple. It was unclear for me when exactly I should be taking off.. so I just stacked all three cards I was given for 10 turns and then ended up taking off straight to the exit. Mechanically, everything seems fine - though I never had any damage to repair.

Some sound effect feedback for putting cards down or taking off would be great. It might be worth finding a way to stop players camping and immediately winning.. but I think this issue persists no matter how far along they are if they take a turn or two. It might be interesting to have events or effects that happen even if you sit in one place.

Thank you for your amazing feedback! We wished we had more time during the game jam to create more sound effects and music, but compromised with just one song. We definitely plan to add all the foley you describe to really build out the gamefeel, as well as adding volume sliders and other settings & accessibility features. Thanks again!